Are you struggling to find exactly what you will need to implement Lucy Calkins Writing in your classroom? Do you want to begin Writer’s Workshop, but are unsure how to incorporate Lucy Calkins Units of Study – the structure, resources, planning, set up, routines, expectations, mentor text, and more! This resource contains EVERYTHING you will need to launch Lucy Calkins Writer’s Workshop in Second Grade!
It includes…
9 Weeks Pacing for ALL 4 Units of Study
Mentor Text List
How-To- Writing
Gradient of Paper- 12 Different Styles
1 line+picture box
2 lines+picture box
3 lines+picture box
4 lines+picture box
5 lines+picture box
6 lines+picture box
7 lines+picture box
8 lines+picture box
9 lines+picture box
10 lines +picture box
Small picture box + Full page of lines
Full page of lines
Launching Writer’s Workshop Powerpoint
Writer’s Workshop Folder Resources
-EDITABLE boy and girl folder cover
-Alphabet Linking Chart with pictures
-Blends and Digraphs Chart with pictures
-Word Wall
-What Can I Write About?
-What Writer’s Write
-My Writing Checklist
-Writing Process Steps
Partner Paring Cards
EDITABLE Writing Lesson Plan Template
EDITABLE Lucy Calkins Data Notebook Cover
EDITABLE Lucy Calkins Data Notebook Table of Contents
EDITABLE Lucy Calkins Pre/Post On-Demand Writing Prompt Data Sheet
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